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Medical English Summer Program Supervised by University of Leicester, UK


Supervised by University of Leicester

Medical english


Summer program




開催場所:イギリス レスター大学 


  ※約46万円(1ポンド約180として換算 2023年11現在)


  • 授業料とプログラム教材費

  • 宿泊費 


  • プログラム時間割に記載されているソーシャルイベント、アクティビティ、日帰り旅行の費用(旅行目的地までの往復バス代のみ含む。食事・入場料等は除く)

  • サマー・プログラム参加記念品

  • レスター大学公式プログラム修了証書と講師からのフィードバック

  • 渡英前の学生登録からプログラム終了までの日本語でのサポート 


  • 回数無制限の【Zoomミーティング】で何度でも気軽にご相談下さい。

  • 【日英医療システム比較】のオンライン講義&ディスカッションへの参加(約90分。日本語で渡英前に開催されます)

  • ​渡英前のイギリス留学オンライン説明会&質問会への参加(日本語)

  • イギリス到着後の「レスター:街ガイドツアー」

  • プログラム前後に観光を予定している場合の【個人サポート】

  • 到着時に「イギリス生活お役立ちアイテム」進呈!

  • レスターのパブでの懇親会(食事&ドリンク付❤)




  • 18歳以上の現医学生、若しくは医療従事系大学生。現医療従事者の方も大歓迎です!

  • 新型コロナワクチン接種していることが望ましい

  • 英語力:IELTS4.5以上、若しくは英検2級以上をお持ちである事(他の英語能力テストも可。ご相談ください)

​応募締め切り:2024年5月下旬頃 ※例年大人気のコースの為定員になり次第締め切りとさせて戴きます。​既に残数僅かとなっていますお早めにお申し込み下さい。

The UK's oldest medical program is led by the highest rated instructors in the British Council's rating .
A very satisfying program.
That is the University of Leicester Medical English International Summer Program


Many of the medical programs held in the UK are sponsored by language schools, and these are similar in content to the form of learning medical English that you are studying at the Japanese medical school . Some of them are sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine of the University, but since this is a complete research and dissertation presentation rather than a language training in medical English, it is held irregularly and the English proficiency when participating is in the United Kingdom. It is not easy for international students to participate because the student level (English proficiency and knowledge) studying at the Faculty of Medicine is required as a matter of course.

Such an environment is still the same in the early 2000s,

I want to be able to communicate with foreign patients in English

I'm not confident in English but I want to work abroad in the future

I want to know the difference between overseas and Japanese medical practice

Since that time, many people have been eager for the best program for medical students. Therefore, this medical English summer program was born from the idea that one Japanese doctor wants to create a program that even Japanese medical students can easily participate in and that is useful in the actual medical field. (For a detailed story at this time, see "The Secret Story of the Birth of the Program .") In 2006, as a medical English summer program for Japanese medical students, and as the first medical English program run by a university in the United Kingdom. I gave birth. Currently, the scale is expanding to the Medical English International Summer Program (held in August every year) and the Medical English Spring Program (held in February and March every year) . The content has been revised many times to be closer to the medical field, and in 2022, it will be the 17th year of the course, and it has become a popular program in which more than 500 medical students from all over the world have participated.

Now, in the medical field in the world, it is becoming a necessary condition to be able to freely manipulate English as if it were a mother tongue .

With the remarkable development of communication technology in recent years and the influence of the spread of the new corona infection, almost all family doctors (GP clinics) and hospitals in the UK already have online interviews and consulting by specialists on a daily basis. It came to be. There are increasing calls for expanding online medical examinations and consulting even after the end of infection, especially for this service, which could improve the problem of "doctor shortage" in local cities. In fact, some universities in the UK School of Medicine are actively incorporating classes for online consulting.


Of course, Japan is no exception, and further development of such telemedicine is expected in the future. This trend in the world makes us feel that the day will come when medical care will be provided as a matter of course across national borders .


In fact, in English-speaking countries such as Europe and the United States, medical care is provided across countries, and medical information sharing and joint research around the world are accelerating . Asian countries are expected to follow suit, and Japan is required by all over the world to follow suit.

Of course, community-based medical care is important, but the Japanese medical community has a mission to support and lead the further development of medical care in collaboration with the world, and the development of human resources who can be used in the future for that purpose is the most important. It may be said that it is one of the important issues. With that in mind, being able to manipulate English at will is nothing special, and in the next decade or so, English will become an indispensable skill in the medical field around the world. It may not be the wrong future forecast.


This program is designed to enhance speaking and listening, including medical interviews and presentations with actual simulated patients, lectures in various fields, visits to hospitals and clinics (planned), and so on. Furthermore, in addition to improving the medical English of all participants, we aim to make them feel fresh and interesting . Not only Japanese medical care, but also by getting in touch with the medical culture of other countries from classes and classmates of other nationalities, and by reviewing and evaluating Japanese medical care, we will gain insight into the future of Japanese medical care. All the staff are thinking that it will be an opportunity .


This program will be a great opportunity to start preparing as a doctor or healthcare professional for the new medical era. We look forward to your participation.

Overall, I feel that the volume, level, quality, and in many respects were just right. I was very nervous and anxious until the beginning, but I was able to have a lot of fun with the lead from the first lesson, and I was looking forward to one lesson. In addition, it was an environment where it was easy for me to take on challenges even if I had never been abroad and had no confidence in my English. With the generous support of the staff, I feel that they have provided a very good environment. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet and participate in this program. I would like to continue to improve my skills while experiencing English so that what I have learned this time will not be wasted. Thank you very much.

(5th grade of medical school)

Voice of participants

Team Building

Voice of participants

Team Building

... I enjoyed the lessons very much, but I especially focused on pub tours and sightseeing (laughs). After the class, I went to a pub with Egyptian and Italian medical students who became friends and exchanged information on medical conditions in each country. All the program participants stayed in the same dormitory, so even when I returned from the pub late at night, I was with many classmates, so the girls could participate with peace of mind. I was impressed when I went to London every weekend with my friends and saw the change of guards in front of Buckingham Palace, which I had only seen in the pictures. It's an hour by train from Leicester to London, and the student dormitory is just a few minutes walk from the station, so I was excited to say "what should I do this weekend!" During the program. .. It was really fun and it was 3 weeks in no time.

(2nd year medical student)

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